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Territorio de Coahuila y Texas

Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, México | 22 de Diciembre del 2024


Publicaciones clasificadas con la etiqueta 'TX'

La Presa la Amistad al 21% de su capacidad


24/06/2020. Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila. 25 de junio del 2020. – Debido al trasvase de agua a la presa Falcón en Tamaulipas y a embalses en Texas, la Presa la Amistad se mantiene en muy bajo nivel de almacenamiento.

Otras etiquetas: Acuña, CILA, Del Rio, México, Presa la Amistad, USA

Consulado Movil en San Angelo, TX

13/03/2019. Del Rio, Texas. 13 de marzo del 2019. El Consulado de México informa que brindará sus servicios en la ciudad de San Angelo, Texas, el sábado 23 de marzo de 2019, en la biblioteca pública “Stephens Central Library”, ubicada en el 33 W Beauregard Ave, en horario de 9 AM a 2 PM.

Otras etiquetas: consulado, Del Rio, México, San Angelo,

City officials in Del Rio, TX , meet to discuss plan of action

23/02/2016. Del Rio, TX—February 23, 2016 On February 22, 2016 a storm containing large amounts of hail and heavy winds swept through Del Rio and has virtually left the entire city without electricity. AEP is working vigorously to restore power to all areas of town. Some areas around the airport have electricity, but many customers are still without power.

Otras etiquetas: City Of Del Rio, hail, power, rain, storm, water

City officials in Del Rio, TX , meet to discuss plan of action

22/02/2016. Del Rio, TX—February 23, 2016 On February 22, 2016 a storm containing large amounts of hail and heavy winds swept through Del Rio and has virtually left the entire city without electricity. AEP is working vigorously to restore power to all areas of town. Some areas around the airport have electricity, but many customers are still without power.

Otras etiquetas: City Of Del Rio, hail, power, rain, storm, water

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